What if media that the levy has been paid on is returned?
Reporting companies that have reported sales of media that are subsequently returned by their customer should submit a revised report for the period in which the original sale of the returned media was reported to the CPCC. This report should only show the amount to be refunded (indicated by a negative unit number). A credit will be issued to the reporting company for the amount of the levies paid for the returned media.
What happens when reports are late?
Reports and payments are considered late if they are received after the reporting due date. Reports or payments received by courier or hand delivered after the reporting due date are considered to be late. However, if the report was mailed 3 or more days prior to the end of the month (based on the date of the postmark) it is not considered late. Reporting companies who submit payments past the reporting due date will be sent invoices for interest owed.
How is interest calculated on late payments?
In accordance with the private copying tariff, interest is calculated daily at a rate equal to one percent above the Bank Rate effective on the last day of the previous month (as published by the Bank of Canada). Interest invoices are sent out at the end of the month and are payable within 15 days of receipt of letter. If the interest owed is less than $10, it may be waived.