Canadian manufacturers or importers of blank audio recording media who wish to sell media at a “zero-rate” to certified buyers must be approved as a Zero-Rating Program distributor by the CPCC before the media is sold to a Zero-Rating Program buyer. The CPCC has the sole authority to determine whether or not an applicant qualifies for the program. All qualifying distributors must be in compliance with the current private copying tariff. It is not possible to buy or sell media under the program through retail stores.
Approved agreements will be signed by the CPCC, and one signed copy returned to the applicant along with a certificate number.
Distributors of blank audio recording media may also be certified to purchase media levy free directly from Canadian manufacturers or importers for resale to certified zero-rated buyers. These companies are referred to as “special distributors”. Special distributors are only able to make zero-rated purchases from Canadian distributors that have also been certified by the CPCC. It is important to note that the special distributor contract only applies to the purchasing and selling of blank media; it does not authorize the organization to use the media internally or for duplication. Special distributors are subject to the current private copying tariff.
To apply to be a distributor or special distributor in the Zero-Rating Program, two complete and signed copies of the CPCC Zero-Rating Program Registration Agreement: Distributor Program should be sent to the CPCC for approval. Approved agreements will be signed by the CPCC, and one signed copy returned to the applicant along with a certificate number.
There is no administrative fee for distributors to participate in the program. The contract is for one year but automatically renews at the end of each 12-month term.
Terms of the CPCC Zero-Rating Program Registration Agreement include:
If you are a manufacturer, importer or distributor of media interested in registering to sell zero-rated media royalty free, please send an email to CPCC requesting an information package and application.